domenica 1 aprile 2012

Coco's outfit!

Hello!! Here is Coco and there is my outfit!

 This is my eyes make up :D I love it XD!
I wanted to do a kind of " hippie" gyaru....but this is what I could do XD
This is my first uotfit, and I did it with things I have in my think it's creative XD LOL
I hope you'll enjoy it and sorry for my bad english ^.^
Bye Bye <3

martedì 13 marzo 2012

Some Photos of Graduated Members.

Hello guys, Princi's here.
Long time no news here, isn't it? I find it boring lastly do a post every single day, some girls can't post so often so I decided to stop. We post when we'll have some news.
Today an irish friend asked me about graduated members and I was shocked XD because not so many people are interested in graduated members anymore.
Well, for me (and also for other people) a gal circle is a circle of friends and since I'm the last pichie member I met every member of this circle since the beginning. I'll speak here about every single graduated member

Martha: now she isn't working but she's searching, she goes to school and she's still modelling. She decided to drop definitely gal style but she mainteined her sweet character as always, I didn't see her since a lot of time (not since the graduation XD I saw her a lot of times after) but although our jobs to do we'll meet soon (in about 2 weeks?! or beginning of april?! dunno, still planning XD), here her recent photo of january.

Kelly: since her graduation a few members spoke to her, well... she's still the same XD she didn't changed so much but kelly is kelly, loved or hated is just kelly, she's still studying (and she's good at school) and now that she won't be underage anymore she could do what she finally wants. Here her recent photo

Eri: eri is still my twin, my snooki (I'm her deena), we're still erinci and although she left the circle she still love gyaru style, she's fabulous as always. She dropped her job and she's thinking to work in my Mc Donald (would be awesome XD), for now she's doing nothing XD we meet more or less often (my fault that I'm always busy XD) and we always have fun XD like we did when she was a peach member, I don't feel to much that she isn't a member anymore and I think that THIS is the best thing that between girls could happen. Here a recent photo of her (late jan.)

Vale / Jè: they are always together, they study at university and they got wonderful marks (Valentina has always 28 XD no sorry 28 1/2 XD she's so precise with her marks XD) problably they will work with me with FM Group and I'm happy about it, still planning XD I can't see them a lot because of their studies (and my extra school jobs XD) but we meet as much as we can. Here their photos

Another yonchie member doesn't want to be even nominated so I skip to the other graduated member.

I met some of them in this 2-3 weeks and here a few photos.

I love them, so much and I decided that I'll plan meet between graduated and current members, why not? A circle is based about friendship isn't it? So doesn't matter if a girl isn't a member anymore, is still a friend, would be nice see a Pichie-Nichie member with a Nanachie member, would be awesome, I'll try to do it, stay tuned. Sooner the photos of our outfits for the anniversary...
Bye guys.
-Princi Deshita.

giovedì 1 marzo 2012

Rika's Last Post

Hi gals! Here's Rika :3
So.. this is my last post.
I'm the "senior member who left Peach Love and joined another circle the same day".
Oh my gosh, what a scandal!
I planned a sweet post about how much I loved this year as a Peach member, BUT someone didn't understand why I left and someone thought I am an orrible person just because I left a galsa.
I'm going to explain my reasons publicly one more time.
First I want to thank all the members who were kind with me.
A member said she is sorry about my departure and a lot of lovely thing I won't repeat, but I really want to thank specifically her because I really could feel the friendship extisted between Peach members.
It was difficult to leave, believe me.
I'll follow you all girls on your personal blogs, I'll support you and if you want I'll chat with you everytime you want. And last, but not the least, I still want to meet you. :3
Now.. my reasons.
I won't name the other circle, because we don't need this kind of tricks.
I really care about Peach Love. I always worked a lot for this gyarusa, but I slowly lose all my interest in Peach activities.
I don't want to be "the leader" and when I leave the gyarusa I didn't think to join another circle, at least not so early. I'm not sure of being able to be a good leader yet and some months ago Princi asked me to be Peach's leader, but I refused.
I fought for so long because I didn't like the image we was giving about Peach Love and Peach's members, but I didn't care. I was sure that behind this grumpy behavior there's just some insecurity.
I didn't like how the work is set (and I said it so many times!), but I thought it was kinda a solvable problem.
I think it's absurd that all the attention goes to some girls in a negative way. And it's absurd that these poor girls don't have a way to be helped to improve withing the gyarusa.
I can see a lot of self-destructive behaviors in this group.
So sad. Really.
These things accumulated made me leave. I won't say this gyarusa sucks, because I don't think it.
I just don't understand Peach Love anymore. We don't have the same goals.

I wanted to support Peach Love even if I am in another circle, but the leader of this circle said things I didn't like about the circle where I'm now. Maybe she don't liked the idea of supporting each other. So I'll support Peach's members on their personal blogs, but this is the last time I speak (or write or whatever) about Peach Love Gyarusa.

If you want to follow me, you can find me on my personal blog: Candy Doesn't Have to Have a Point.
Bye guys~
It was a beautiful year, despite these problems.

mercoledì 29 febbraio 2012

Resume of the month.

Hello guys, Princi's here and from this month the last day of the month I'll speak about the month finished and plains about next month, problably we won't do all the things we planned but we'll do our best.

So, what we did for the blog: new members officially joined, we older members showed our improvements and we start to speak about a lot of things and we decide to go on in this way. We're planning other gal-loli meet like we did last year, we're planning more meet together (we did some mini meet this month and I'm happy about it). Unfortunately we won't have 1 graduation but 2 XD (excluding the senior gone member). Like it was said yesterday the first graduation will be in Milan, 16th March, and the second will be in Bologna the 26th. At the Peach Anniversary I'll announce the new Sub-Leader (there was a poll for vote the best sub-leader between Yuuki, Chiu and Lyoe and you still can vote if you see the post in 6th february), more meet will be done and I already planned to meet some graduated members, with I'm still in touch. We're planning to do also sleepover or "pyjama party" together, but we're just spoke about it, I hope we can do it, it will be funny. For other type of meeting I still don't know if the gal-loli meet will be in March or April but though we're still planning and deciding it we're doing our best for create a really nice meet, like we did last year and I hope that everything will be ok. We're changing again the destination of our trip XD because now some girls don't want to go in London XD and counting the graduated members (that voted for London) we're changing again XD so I won't speak about the trip until we'll buy the tickets XD LOL XD if some of you think that at the end we won't go anywhere you are wrong u.u we did the same thing last year XD. We're changing too much ideas XD I know but the nicest thing about us is that we try again and again, changing often ideas but better than do nothing, isn't it?

I decide to do also every month a video, with the photo of us, together or alone, some people said that would be better for us show more ourself, isn't it? So we decided to do it. Of course you noticed that our post (except for graduations or something like this) are planned so we can't put photos when we want, so we collect our photos together and did a video (from next month there will be more photos, this month there're a few photos cuz I did the idea of doing it more or less a week a go so they didn't do a lot of photos).

If you can't see it watch here, I hope you all like it. We'll do more photos, is a promise.
What can I say more... it was a really funny month, with good memories and bad memories, although all is happening now we'll do our best, we resisted for almost a year and we'll go on to resist. For 2 days there weren't any post (little problems) but we wanted to ask for advices, about one particular member, about the circle in general, about everything. Give us advices, give us critics, give us everything XD. C'mon XD, don't judges us without even give us advices, so please give us advices and critics, we'll accept it.
For now is all.
Thanks for all the people that followed us in this month, go on to follow us, because if this circle is still active is thanks to you.
Bye Bye People.
See you next month (tomorrow XD).

martedì 28 febbraio 2012

Departures and Graduations.

So, sorry for take Yui's day but I must announce a thing.
Since the beginning of the year we decided to make "graduations", last meet before the departure for who leave in a friendly way... today I say that one of our member will graduate next month. She'll say to herself the motivations and she'll say good bye to everyone, to the circle etc.
Of course we hope the best for her and until that day she'll be a peach member.

We know about this from a few days, what we discover today (this night) is that a senior member decided to left the circle, without a graduation, is a senior member (so one of the first 7 members) and... less than 12 hours later she joined in "another circle". That's all I have to say about it, if she wants she can use our blog for reply and explain her reasons the 1st march, for give the last message to everyone.

The graduation for the member that decide to graduate will be in Milan, Thursday 16th March. Stay tuned for more infos.

lunedì 27 febbraio 2012

Gyaru in Italy: Increasement etc.

Hello dears, today I'll speak about gyaru in Italy.
Like some of you know gyaru style was unknown since last year, where the majority of the circles born. Some people of course followed gyaru style before that "boom" but the major impact was at the beginning of last year (or really late 2010). By the way I wanna show how gal developped in just one year, I'll show how many gals (more or less XD) there were in italy (in each region) with a unknown circle or just theirselves and how the situation is now.
Firstly: Gyaru Situation before 2010

And now  Gyaru Situation since late 2010 - beginning 2011 to now.

Dunno how but the situation changed a lot, of course is better (sometimes worst but doesn't matter lol). The situation isn't changed at all if you can see that the majority of the gals live in the north, and cities like Milan are full of gal (but the majority of them follow the style in our own, withouth join or create any circle), but also in the south (and in the center as well) the situation changed a lot, before in a few regions there were gals, now the situacion changed a lot. Cities like Rome or Neaples now increased with a lot of gals that hang out. But other things changed, these since the "boom" that gal style had here in Italy


1. Gal Circles
Since one of the biggest drama ever last summer a lot of circles (also some unknown or nago circles) disbanded or decided to don't create any blog or any page for promoting theirselves. Some of them (that anyone could compare as a nago circle) don't want to be nominated as a circle (even not nominated as a gal) and just hang out, like friends when they have time to do it.

2. Gyaru-o
Also before the "boom" some gyaru-o (or boys that trying japanese street style and late discovered gyaru-o) hang around with gals, here in our country, althought there're some boys that try gyaru-o style (the majority are nerds or otaku or cosplayer) almost all of them disappeared and now is seriously difficult to find a real gyaru-o. Honestly, I dunno why but is a thing that I noticed also before the "boom". There were not a lot but some... now almost disappeared, or that follow their styles in our own.


1. Gyaru that do their stuff on their own.
Since the boom of this style was really important meet someone with this passion, since we're a few join in a circle meant be finally in a group of girls where you can do what you always wanted but in a group, not alone but together. Things, with drama, changed a lot and a lot of girls choose to follow the style in their own, sometimes with a blog, sometimes just hanging out with friends, sometimes just trying japanese street style they got influenced by gals here in Italy but do all in their own.

2. "Secret" Circles (LOL)
I'm not kiddin' XDDD, I find it hilarious but anyone can do the choices that they want to do. Since last autumn a few "secret" circles born, of course their names aren't so secret, some of them create the page or a blog, but some don't do neither that. These circles (the majority of those nago-sa but a few secret for a bit time prepairing for become an ive circle) aren't much nominated in italian gal community for the simply reason that in the majority of them you don't even know who are the members of the group, sometimes you know just 2-3 members but not the name of the group, sometimes just the leader decide to show him/herself but not his/her members (?!). Since our circle wants to be an ive circle we aren't against "secret" circles (that are the opposite of us) but honestly I don't understand the meaning of this, since there is nothing wrong with a circle. The reasons could be drama, or lack of confidence or this kind of stuffs.

By the way, althought increasement or decreasement of our country we, that don't want to belong to one of the two communities here in italy but born and raised in Italy of course everyone picked us as an italian circle,  really wanted to show a pieces of our country, our situations (good or bad, normal or weird XD) this is Italy, Italy's Gyaru. There're a lot of girls really unknown and I hope that you all people, that when you search something related to gal in Italy just found us or "other circles" try to search more and found some nice girls (with no circle) that althought drama they do their best as a gal. Here some random photos, the girls are our leader's friends on FB that follow gal style,

That's it for today, see you babies.

venerdì 24 febbraio 2012

Outfit Gal ^-^

Hello, dear readers!
I show you the outfits in preparation for our meet... ^-^

Here's Princi's outfit:

This is Prisci's outfit:

Now the latest picture where they are together ^-^

That's all for today ... At the next update ^.^
