sabato 12 novembre 2011

Eurotime: Eurobeat Basics

HHHHHELLOOOOOOOOW Skip the pleasantries and get to the point... I have to poop...aaaaaaaand, oh, wait.. that's not the point XD
Today we talk about Eurobeat. As many people know it's a Japanese music genre. I'll post a link so you can have an idea.
This is Eurobeat if you didn't know. There are many eurobeat traces in some famous arcade videogames like Dance Dance Revolution (Very nice game. Try it if you never had the opportunity, buuuuuuuut I can't disclose otherwise someone might kill me *looks around =.=*
Eurobeat might seem similar to many other genres (to a less experienced ear), but, well, it's not true.
Yes, Japanese are brilliant so they created a brilliant genre, suitable for dancing and also to exalt and rock when you need to.
I can say it's a quite fast,mmmm, exalted (and yes, I used 'exalted' to explain a musical genre, oh, I've a thousand   + one resources u.u) genre.
If you're going to try to create an eurobeat song, I warn you's not easy at all. It has a quite complex rhythm to play (If you listen well, it has a structure of verse, chorus, verse and with that rhythm it's not easy to make a symmetrical sound... symmetry..what a beautiful thing **).
Loving animes, I knew eurobeat watching Initial D, an anime fast and furius-style. Its soundtracks always include many of the most popular eurobeat songs, published by a minor label: SUPER EUROBEAT.  Moreover, this label can also sell products of non-eurobeat artists due to remix albums, including the most famous: the compilation series ayu-ro mix, containig remixed songs by Ayumi Hamasaki. The same label also released the album Every Little Thing.
Now I'll list some eurobeat artists, ok? (Now please, say YEEEEEEEEEEES....... done? good.)
HINOI Team: This is probably the most famous and popular group in Japan. I highly recommend them.
SHANADOO: These girls are unique in their genre , they act in Europe more than anything else.
Key-a-Kiss: They are an Avex group created by their auditions, they're good too. The original members were NAHOMI, YUKIMI and TOTOMI. Whan they released their third single,four new members were in the group: HITOMI, ERINO, RUMI and NAMI. They broke up in 2003, when all the members left the group.
There are many others who I don't know very well, so I think it isn't correct to say their name without knowing if they are good artists or not. ^^
Fiiiiiiiiiiiinally I would say you can find these songs on youtube, if you have doubts or insicurities you can look for something famous by these great artists.
Many people use sites like VidToMp3 to download the audio from youtube videos, pleas DON'T. It's illegal and we want to respect the artists we love and their effort in givin us beautiful songs to have fun with.
I can give you links to download and buy songs LEGALLY and here they are:
Mu-Mo Net
Led Records

Well, I finished... greetings from Spike and the Peach Love Gal-sa :D

3 commenti:

  1. Ciao!
    Mi permetto di correggerti perchè ho notato alcune imprecisioni >_<

    Prima di tutto, "Super Eurobeat" non è un'etichetta minore, bensì una lunga serie di compilations prodotte dalla Avex, una delle maggiori etichette discografiche giapponesi.
    I gruppi che hai citato, invece, non sono veri e propri artisti eurobeat, in quanto si occupavano di cover di canzoni eurobeat (a parte le Key-a-kiss, ma si tratta comunque di J-Euro)

    Come artisti eurobeat potresti nominare alcuni degli alias più conosciuti: Franz Tornado, Dave Rodgers, Domino, Cherry, Bazooka Girl, Go2...

    Spero di essere stata utile ^ ^

  2. rispondo io perchè il commento non era stato visto, non è che non ti abbiamo risposto perchè non volevamo, non l'avevamo notato (l'ho beccato ora per caso, volevo vedere le statistiche xD) comunque grazie per le correzioni, dirò a chi ha fatto il post di fare più attenzione la prossima volta :) se vuoi darci qualche consiglio o qualche info più dettagliate sull'eurobeat fai pure quando vuoi :) io non sono molto informata e mi piacerebbe saperne di più - princi -

  3. Sì, ciao. v.v Ho parlato con Spike, che ha scritto il post ed ora non può accedere al blog per problemi di connessione (può accedere solo dal cellulare e non vede i commenti). In breve si scusa per le informazioni errate e avvisa che si correggerà nel prossimo post. Sta iniziando ora a conoscere l'Eurobeat e parlare della sua nuova scoperta gli era sembrata una buona idea. Vedrà di informarsi molto meglio prima di scrivere i prossimi post e ringrazia per le correzioni.
