domenica 12 febbraio 2012

Lyoe's Improvements

Hi everyone, I'm Lyoe and I'm going to show my (little) improvements! They're not so gyaru, I discovered gyaru world this summer, before I only heard about it). So, let's see together what I changed!

This is me in May 2010, I had dark brown hair, so strange now! I love this colour, but I needed some changes because of a lot of bad things in my life ç_ç

Here I was in August 2010, I started to brighten up my hair to get to blonde *_*! I love also this colour, but is not for me. Maybe not now :)

Here I was in a journey with my class, in April 2011 y_y! I didn't do make up, I thought it was useless X°DD Wtf. ( Now I might die without it °°)

Here I was at school, in May 2011. I dyed my hair brown, because my (ex) boyfriend said that i'm more "Lyoe", what a romantic thing I did for him.. ç__ç. I also started to use eyeliner! :)

Here I was in Turkey, in August 2011! I dyed my hair reddish-brown!

Then, in September 2011, I dyed my hair again, but this time reddish-violet *_* I really love this colour!
I did natural makeup because of my parents ç_ç they said that a lot of makeup is not "clean" o.o (in fact now, when i do makeup, I don't show them my face and I run out of the door quickly XD But now it seems that they not note my makeup o_o)

Yay, I love Kyary and everybody says that I am like her *w* (maybe.. çwç) Here I was at school, again XD and my smartphone has not a good quality to take photos ç_ç so my blush is like too light, but I put it, eyeliner, foundation and mascara and everything was put on hurry because of school çwç and I love my fringe like this ♥

Here I was at my grandma's house XD It was Xmas 2011 and it was so cold, so I didn't wear my cute Xmas dress, damn, I hate the cold! Here I have a white ribbon, I love them ♥ I have a pinkish lipstick of Deborah, I love it *_*! You can't see the blush, again, because of my phone -w-' I need a camera °_°!

I took this photo on the 18th of January, this year, 2012. I love cosplay, in fact I go to a manga and comics exhibition on the 18th of March to cosplay my "video-idol", Faith Connors of the videogame Mirror's Edge ♥ I love her, she's so mysterious, like I wish to be. I did a test make up for her cosplay, I really love it!

And here my last photo! Took on the 10th of February, two days ago! I have eyeliner, blush (again, it's so light... -w-') and foundation! I put also a modified version (so badly, specially the hair XD) of this photo, to see if this circle lenses and the hair color are good for me *^*!

It's all for now! I'll do more changes, mostly gyaru **!
On the 27th of February we have the Peach Anniversary ♥ we'll do a lot of photos, I'm looking forward to that moment ♥ *_*

So, see you soon :*

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