mercoledì 15 febbraio 2012

Princi improvement: Inside and outside

Finally my turn, oh god XD I was so impatient XD being 14 members is good but 2-3 post in a month is a few for me XD but is ok XD. I wanna show my improvement since the beginning.
So: first of all, from what should I start?

Style: From Amekaji to Agejo, mixing and final decision.

Well, at first I was really undecided between agejo and amekaji and I tried to mix it sometimes but doing it wrong.

At first I really wanted to do my best at everything without buying nothing in internet (still does it but in a different way). I had really bad problems with my skin, that I damaged a lot of times in the past so at first I was focused in outfit. This photo was made in May during the first "Peach Love Gyaru-Loli" meeting

Like you see I tried agejo style but I put a few make up for my skin problems. At the end of spring the circle (with good and bad periods) was growing and be recognized in europe, but the most important thing was the developpment of the friendship beteen me and my twin Eri. I discovered her, indirectly, thanks to a fired member and we met the first time in May, a lot of times we hang out (and still we do it), at first just for meet (me, her and the fired member) but in all the meet the fired member missed to the meets, so the mini-meet became just normal hang out with a friend that now is one of my best friend (for this reason we don't do too much photos, between friends is it required do photos everyday? I don't think so). The photo was made in June in the "Welcome Yuuki-chan" meeting (useless say the fired member missed XD).

 During summer I gained kg (a lot XD dunno how but I gained it since the end of may) and I tried to not be obsessed with agejo style, also because I knew that I would go in Barcelone, meet a lot of gals (that I met and I'm happy about it) and I didn't want to be only agejo, I tried to mix up agejo and amekaji (failing but was funny XD). I met a lot of gals, and I was happy cuz they didn't act like gals, but as friends. Still thanks to Noe (Suteki circle) that helped me the first day of the trip, I was almost crying but she really helped me and I didn't cry XD. Also her friend Christina was a sweet heart with us (me and my friend) withouth knowing us. In Italy if a girl that you never met phone you asking to be helped with the wallets from the airport no one will say yes °° I dunno if all people in Spain does it normally but here in Italy hell no. XD We were very impressed and it is for this that I still wanna say her thank you (I hope next time we'll take photos). Althought Noe I met other gals (also disbanded circles) and I really had fun.
This photo was made last August with Nora (a sweetie girl from Hanabaki circle).

She's a really sweet heart, I really had fun with her (is a pity that other members still were on holidays but I'll meet them next time). From this experience I learnt a lot (of course, being bi-lingual and fluent as in italian as in spanish helped me a lot), I learnt that also outside of your country you can meet girls that can be your friends (more than gal) and don't stop to speak only about the same passion. Is for this reason that I want re-travel with my circle again, and meet other gals around europe, is a funny experience that everyone should try. After summer a lot of issues in the circle happened but a lot of good things happened: I lost the weight that I gained in late spring and I understood (from the travel in Spain) that the friendship between the circle is the most important thing (cuz of fight I totally forgotten in the late summer) and when a former elementary school classmates joined in my circle I was happy, I didn't see her since early 2000 and see her after 11 years really moved me (I never cried in front of her but returing home yes XD). Now she's graduated but also her experience in the circle demonstrated me that friendship is a base of a circle. The photo was made in late September with Valentina (graduated member in november 2011).

Here you can see (not well the hat but doesn't matter) that I still tried to mix agejo and amekaji but in October I decided to stop do it. Also with her I hang out a lot of times (without doing always photos) and she's still my friend (like the majority of graduated members), since October I decided to focus on weight and agejo (finally I decided) but during the last period of the year I didn't do a lot of photos. Since january I re-start to do a lot of photos (cuz for christmas I received a photocamera as a gift) and I planned a lot of meetings.
The photo was did in January in the "Welcome Jen" meeting.

Since that day I started to worry more about my make up and I found a solution (I'll show it later) and I lost some weight (FUCK YEAH XD). During this winter some meetings planned were cancelled but other (also with friends) succedeed. The photo was did in mid January with Prisci in the "Welcome Prisci" meet with Mizuko (italian girl that follow japan street fashion, also gyaru) and Silvia (a lolita girl that in that day wore normally).

From the tallest to the shortest XD LOL XD and also from the youngest to the oldest (wasn't planned XD I swear XD). That is one of my latest photos of a Peach Love meet. Now passing on another theme.

Hair: Hairstyle, curly, straight etc.

Well, at the beginning I really liked curly hair (not so curly like real mine) and I went out always with curly hair, I lost those photos (thanks god)  since late July I started to make my hair straight (useless say that my extensions were frustrated by my obsession with straight hair XD) and then... THE FATAL PHOTO XD (August 2011).

I really liked the pigtails (although it wasn't planned) but a fired memberXD with my personal stalker XD LOL XD) make a secret about me saying that my hair seems like an old rug... OH GOD, IT SEEMS AN OLD RUG, FUCK I CRIED GNE GNE GNE XD LOOOOL XD well, first of all: how stupid could be a person for don't notice that I wear extensions (so the sentences should change to: your extension seems like an old rug XD) and if you didn't noticed it (and the photo was made after 8 months I wore those extensions) it means that aren't so bad, isn't it? Well, is obvious, cuz is true that I'm mixed but is true that my natural hair aren't like this (the colour yes but the hair no) so, or are you stupid or this extensions aren't so bad, just sayin'... and if someone after 8 months can wear this type of extension (of a maximum of  6 months) and wear like this (cuz no one noticed that this were extensions) or better show me... by the way, I always manteined that colour also with the next extensions (that I still wear) and still make it straight (but buy it curly XD is cuz I'm always indecide XD) and althought in the other photos I make my hair sometimes curly sometimes very straight I decided to mantain this tone of colour.

Like you see (no, it isn't shown well) I mainteined that colour but I plan to re-change it in a more lighter colour, not blonde but surely more lighter than this. I want to say that if you see my older pics I wanna justify myself cuz the shop where I bought extensions and the colour is managed by a group of african girls that don't speak well italian, thanks to them for a bit time I was blonde (I'll never show photos of me blonde XD I prefer to die XD), so I'll buy directly nex extension lighter. I accept suggestions cuz the colour that I'm wearing now is a lot darker than my natural colour and I don't like it a lot. Now passing to other step.

Make up: Foundation, Cipria, Corrector and (soon) BBCREAM!

Well, like I said before I had problems with my skin (is typical of my family, also my sister have a worst skin than mine), a lot of cosmetics in my early teen years hurted me a lot and I started to wear it only for go out in the evening or in the night. Last month (during my work for FM Group) I discovered a lot of cosmetics for black  girls that are sold HERE in Italy (ask my cousin for buy cover girl cosmetics in USA and send me in Italy was too expensive) and I bought a lot of them XD just the basics.

I bought those in late January and all the imperfections are seriously hide. I'm happy also cuz this kind of cosmetics doesn't hurt, I felt nothing, seriously, and I'm happy for this.

FUCKING LIGHTS, I look too much... dunno, not dark XD not black as I am XD let's see another pic.

This picture I did it in late Jan. the first time that I put foundation etc. for black people, I'm seriously happy *_*and recently I've discovered that it exist a bbcream for black girls, OMG, SO SURPRISED. I wanna search more informations about bbcream for black people but when I'll discover more problably I'll buy it. YEAH! XD LOL So, passing to next theme.

SHOPPING: Agejo, accessories, Tally Weilj

As you know a lot of Peach Members are into Tally Weilj (thanks to me XD) and I decided to focus more in agejo style going first of all in all Tally Weilj stores (when I do shopping I visit Tally Weilj in Via Torino / Corso Buenos Aires in Milan and at Rho Center, in Rho).

This was I bought in Jan. This accessories I bought in Feb.

I hope to improve better and better in this sub-style, which is the one who (I guess) suits me best. and now passing to the last theme.

FRIENDSHIP: circles, european gals, black gals, latinas etc.

You already see photos (also in the past) with me and foreigner gals. At the beginning of this adventure I met a lot of spanish gals, I spoke with a lot of circles (one of them last july also invited us for a big meet in Madrid) but starting from them I met also latinas gals, they're all so sweet, although the majority of them can't meet other (they aren't lucky as here in italy that here anyone can meet anyone when they can) they're all so sweet, nice, open-minded and a sweet-heart. Like other communities nothing goes on well always but they're always full of energy, they always want to improve their styles, and are open to "foreigners" (although I'm half south american I never lived there before so my spanish isn't fluent like theirs and my "mentality" is different from theirs), if you don't know them try to know them, you won't be disappointed. I also created recently a black gal group, a new community is born, black gal community, we programmed a lot of things, we're located in a lot of places around europe and america and (althought I always thought that black people aren't united each other) we're united, we're strong and we want to throw away that thing that black people are lazy and don't want to improve, some of us make excuses (I got angry several problems with who used skin problems as an excuse, cuz they don't think about who REALLY has that problem) but we want to be recognized for not being lazy anymore. We'll do our best. Lastly, as our circle, at the end of this summer I noticed that there weren't a lot of friendship in the group and when I came back to Spain I decide to postpone my work in my style and work in my circle, for make the circle more united (like now), I would never do it if foreigners people explained me also this kind of things (it. comm is still little and some things aren't understood yet) and I wanna say thanks to them, also cuz they don't fear to say what should I improve.  In our circle we develop a real friendship (it isn't a lie when I say that we're still in touch with the majority of graduated members) and this is the best thing that I was looking for a circle, even if I never will be a good gal I made a lot of friends, this is the most important thing.

This period was a bit bad, my mum (ex nurse) diagnosed me Chronic Insomnia and also other doctors said it, and for this I dropped school (don't know where you could sleep and at what time is a bit dangerous, especially if you're far away from your house), I'll restart next year but... well, I improved so much things in this year and I wanna improve more and more, my circle... well, our circle will do it. Some members asked me why some haters after throwing shit about us ask for join in the circle (what a courage XD)... well, I think that the reason is obvious: friendship and always want to improve... These are the ingredients for our circle, and we'll never stop to do it.

That's it (XD GOD 3 hours for this fuckin' post XD) I finished XD BYEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

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