mercoledì 29 febbraio 2012

Resume of the month.

Hello guys, Princi's here and from this month the last day of the month I'll speak about the month finished and plains about next month, problably we won't do all the things we planned but we'll do our best.

So, what we did for the blog: new members officially joined, we older members showed our improvements and we start to speak about a lot of things and we decide to go on in this way. We're planning other gal-loli meet like we did last year, we're planning more meet together (we did some mini meet this month and I'm happy about it). Unfortunately we won't have 1 graduation but 2 XD (excluding the senior gone member). Like it was said yesterday the first graduation will be in Milan, 16th March, and the second will be in Bologna the 26th. At the Peach Anniversary I'll announce the new Sub-Leader (there was a poll for vote the best sub-leader between Yuuki, Chiu and Lyoe and you still can vote if you see the post in 6th february), more meet will be done and I already planned to meet some graduated members, with I'm still in touch. We're planning to do also sleepover or "pyjama party" together, but we're just spoke about it, I hope we can do it, it will be funny. For other type of meeting I still don't know if the gal-loli meet will be in March or April but though we're still planning and deciding it we're doing our best for create a really nice meet, like we did last year and I hope that everything will be ok. We're changing again the destination of our trip XD because now some girls don't want to go in London XD and counting the graduated members (that voted for London) we're changing again XD so I won't speak about the trip until we'll buy the tickets XD LOL XD if some of you think that at the end we won't go anywhere you are wrong u.u we did the same thing last year XD. We're changing too much ideas XD I know but the nicest thing about us is that we try again and again, changing often ideas but better than do nothing, isn't it?

I decide to do also every month a video, with the photo of us, together or alone, some people said that would be better for us show more ourself, isn't it? So we decided to do it. Of course you noticed that our post (except for graduations or something like this) are planned so we can't put photos when we want, so we collect our photos together and did a video (from next month there will be more photos, this month there're a few photos cuz I did the idea of doing it more or less a week a go so they didn't do a lot of photos).

If you can't see it watch here, I hope you all like it. We'll do more photos, is a promise.
What can I say more... it was a really funny month, with good memories and bad memories, although all is happening now we'll do our best, we resisted for almost a year and we'll go on to resist. For 2 days there weren't any post (little problems) but we wanted to ask for advices, about one particular member, about the circle in general, about everything. Give us advices, give us critics, give us everything XD. C'mon XD, don't judges us without even give us advices, so please give us advices and critics, we'll accept it.
For now is all.
Thanks for all the people that followed us in this month, go on to follow us, because if this circle is still active is thanks to you.
Bye Bye People.
See you next month (tomorrow XD).

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