giovedì 1 marzo 2012

Rika's Last Post

Hi gals! Here's Rika :3
So.. this is my last post.
I'm the "senior member who left Peach Love and joined another circle the same day".
Oh my gosh, what a scandal!
I planned a sweet post about how much I loved this year as a Peach member, BUT someone didn't understand why I left and someone thought I am an orrible person just because I left a galsa.
I'm going to explain my reasons publicly one more time.
First I want to thank all the members who were kind with me.
A member said she is sorry about my departure and a lot of lovely thing I won't repeat, but I really want to thank specifically her because I really could feel the friendship extisted between Peach members.
It was difficult to leave, believe me.
I'll follow you all girls on your personal blogs, I'll support you and if you want I'll chat with you everytime you want. And last, but not the least, I still want to meet you. :3
Now.. my reasons.
I won't name the other circle, because we don't need this kind of tricks.
I really care about Peach Love. I always worked a lot for this gyarusa, but I slowly lose all my interest in Peach activities.
I don't want to be "the leader" and when I leave the gyarusa I didn't think to join another circle, at least not so early. I'm not sure of being able to be a good leader yet and some months ago Princi asked me to be Peach's leader, but I refused.
I fought for so long because I didn't like the image we was giving about Peach Love and Peach's members, but I didn't care. I was sure that behind this grumpy behavior there's just some insecurity.
I didn't like how the work is set (and I said it so many times!), but I thought it was kinda a solvable problem.
I think it's absurd that all the attention goes to some girls in a negative way. And it's absurd that these poor girls don't have a way to be helped to improve withing the gyarusa.
I can see a lot of self-destructive behaviors in this group.
So sad. Really.
These things accumulated made me leave. I won't say this gyarusa sucks, because I don't think it.
I just don't understand Peach Love anymore. We don't have the same goals.

I wanted to support Peach Love even if I am in another circle, but the leader of this circle said things I didn't like about the circle where I'm now. Maybe she don't liked the idea of supporting each other. So I'll support Peach's members on their personal blogs, but this is the last time I speak (or write or whatever) about Peach Love Gyarusa.

If you want to follow me, you can find me on my personal blog: Candy Doesn't Have to Have a Point.
Bye guys~
It was a beautiful year, despite these problems.

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