sabato 19 novembre 2011

Japan Food - Agedashi Tofu

A few days ago I finally found some tofu at the supermarket (yes, I live in a village outside the world. °°), so I looked for some simple recipes. I tried one and I want to share it with you.

The agedashi tofu is considered a difficult japanese recipe, but, as we shall see, it's easier than you might think.
Served in small portions it can be an original and tasty starter.

Ingredients for 3/4 people:
-A tofu stick.
-Starch. In Japan they use chestnut starch (katakuriko), but potato starch (wich is commonly found in all the supermarkets) is still a good substitute.
-Frying oil.
-Daikon. (in Italy you can find it in many supermarkets, like Esselunga)
-Soy Sauce

-First of all take the tofu and let it drain for a few minutes on an inclined plane. Then wrap it in kitchen paper and let rest for 15 minutes. Repeat a couple of times until the tofu stops releasing liquid, if necessary.

-Cut the tofu into cubes the size of a bite, sufficiently large to be easily taken with chopsticks.

-Put some starch in a bowl and stir in the diced tofu. Make sure  the starch adheres to the tofu.

-Put oil in a frying pan and bring it to the right temperature. The ideal would be up to 180 ° C. Carefully dip the breaded tofu cubes in starch. If this is the case, with a ladle pour boiling oil on the surface of the cubes. Fry until the tofu has a nice golden color. Then drain the excess oil and place on paper towels.

-Grate the daikon. Squeeze the pulp obtained and remove excess liquid. Put it in a bowl and pour a few drops of soy sauce. Separately, cut the chives.

-Put a few pieces of agedashi tofu in a bowl or a soup plate. Put on a few of grated daikon and abundant chives. Pour over the whole two or three tablespoons of hot broth.

If you try this recipe let me know how it went!

3 commenti:

  1. This is very informative. I love reading all of these posts! Keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks Chaudie for your support, we'll do it :) - Princi -

  3. Thank you so much, Chaudie *___*
