mercoledì 1 febbraio 2012

Comeback also with the blog.

Hi guys, we came back also with our blog. I have a lot of things to say and I'm happy to say it finally. After almost 2 months we can restart with the blog (that have a major security right now), I have a  lot of things to do and I dunno from which thing I should start, sorry I speak a lot, I already know that this will be a long post but doesn't matter, I hope you don't get bored.

I will speak about:
1. Nanachies Members.
2. Our circle since december to today.
3. Plan for our circle.
4. Complain and drama.

Like you all know 7 new members joined officially 2 weeks ago. I wanna explain a thing about this generation. This generation was created cuz we wanted to do a challenge about ourself. Our circle doubled, so if we were 5 next generation would have 5 members, if we were 3 our circle would have 3 members, if we were 11 next generation would have 11 members XD. It was a challenge for ourself, for prove us: 1. if we can handle a doubled circle (more people means more responsabilities, more activities to do etc.) 2. if we can go on as an event circle (cuz an event circle always have a lot of members that to a lot of meet, if we wouldn't reached our goal to have a doubled circle I would announce that our circle would pass from ive to nago). Also, for start new year in the best way ever I really wanted a specific type of girl, not just random girls. Girls that show their personalities and their particularities as well. Ok, the challenge was won XD we had now 7 new members and we are ready now for show our skills.

And here their profiles, you can see it also in "Peach Member" Pages.

Priscilla is the first Nanachie Member being the oldest, she's 21 years old and soon she'll be 22. She is into in gyaru and in lolita style as well. She tried Kogal as well. Is a very nice person that love japan culture, music, anime and manga. She's so kind and a sweet-heart.The reason I decided to choose her is cuz I think that she has the potential to be a great gyaru-loli. I think she can handle gyaru and lolita well, without being ridiculous.

Elena is the second Nanachie Member, she's 20 and she study in an Accademy of Arts, after finishing high school. She's a very simple girl, that like fashion and japan culture. She's so honest and sincere, she hasn't fear of saying her point of view but she hide a kind of shyness that make her a cutie person, inside and outside. I choose her cuz I think that the majority of the gyaru are very "extreme" and I miss sometime a normal Ganjiro, or a Mori gyaru, with her simple personality I think she can be gyaru staying as simple as she is.

Maddy is the third Nanachie Member, she's 19 (soon 20) and she is a Fat-shionist. What does it mean? Well, she likes fashion a lot and she wanna show how can be fashionable, wearing a lot of things oversize but stay cool, show how chubby or fat people could be cute and fashionable. She's really nice and kind, is difficult to make her angry, she's a very quiet person. The reason for what I choose her is her desire to be a fat-shionist, I think is good have a person that try to give self-esteem to others before herself.

Yukimi is the fourth Nanachie Member, she's just 19 (did in January) and she is our 'overseas' member. She's shy at first but really nice, open-minded and with a big smile that everyone would love. She has a reliable character, she gets along well with everyone, I don't think will be easy see her argue with someone XD. The reason for what I choose I said in Peachie Station and after in facebook account... as an ive circle I really wanted an italian girl that live abroad, or a foreigner girl that live here, or a foreigner girl that live abroad but speak italian (like some people from Argentina do, or some people from Switzerland), for become more united with another community, I didn't know that she moved in Nebraska but she did it for study and when I realized it I decided to choose her.

Mery is the fifth Nanachie Member, she's 18 (did in January as well as Yukirin) and is our Rokku member. She seems like a strong girl, with a strong character and a strong personality but she hide a really shy and insicure attitude, she's so sweet and romantic, she hasn't any big desire in particular, just be loved from the person she love and have a lot of friends to hang out. At the first time no one think this about her (me too XD). I choose her cuz she has a really rokku style and she can develop well it, but she has also a sweet character that everyone would love.

Yeon is the sixth Nanachie Member, she's 17 (soon 18) and is our 'mixed member'. Like Marippe she seems so cool and self-centered but she's a shy person that love her family and her friends. She's more shy than expected and she's a reliable person, very kind with everyone and always ready to help someone. I choose her firstly for her character, secondly for her fashion attitude, she has the skill for prove it, and thirdly I was searching also for a girl foreigner that live here... well, I searched a black gal like me XD but she's born in Morocco and have Korean parents so is ok, just cuz is mixed XD.

Corinna is the seventh and last Nanachie Member, she's 13 (still a pre-teen *_*) and she's still at Middle School. She seems like a troublemaker kid but she's really responsible (also she has high marks). She's so funny, never stop to smile and speak, no one will se her cry or at least be sad. I'm sure about it. I choose her cuz firstly I wanted a girl that in age be like Andrèe (that has 14 right now) and I wanted a girl still in the first teen years (so no more than 15), I searched for a girl that was born in '96-'97 but when she showed me her big desire to become a gal although her age I decide to pick her (although she's younger than expected, 1 year younger than Yui).


See the video. (if you don't see it click here)

So, one of the member is not a real Nanachie Member, only a bitch like me could show all the members, show their personalities and after that say that one of them is not a real member XD LOL XD Well, one of these 7 is just a fan, that really wanted to join in our gal-sa and try to leave with us as a circle, but she isn't a member, what does it mean? that the members in original are 6? NO! XD There're 7...
THERE'S ANOTHER MEMBER, THE REAL 7TH NEW MEMBER OF NANACHIES. Why this? cuz when the audition almost ended I choose 6 but I felt like it miss... like a Leader, a leader of the nanachies, that have a strong character, leadership and stuffs like this. For this (thinking about that one of the nanachies is a fan and would like to join as a fan) I decided to do this trick XD funny isn't it? XD well not at all but I love suspence. So, for who guys, WHO IS?! XD LOL XD And there's another thing to say


Is not new that a gaijin gal works with japanese fashion industry, well, I discovered it after the girl joined, our of 7 new members sent photos for ranzuki and they accepted it. She's appeared.

I didn't cover her face but I won't say which of the 3 girls she is XD. Let's discover it.
That's it for Nanachies member and (of course) don't search in the blog, I won't remove the picture of the "fake nanachie member" until the real  7th nanachie member (that I won't say when she'll post) will post her presentation (so the logo is for some days, I'll change it).


Well, although we gained the third fired member we planned a lot of things, we decided for go to London but now with the new members that joined some girls doesn't want to go in London, want to go in Barcelone, some want to go in Germany (especially Chiu XD) and so we're at the start again, which city should we visit? again XD LOL XD we tried to do a party but a lot of girls missed so we did meet on our own. The third fired member (Rika's cousin) after be the leader of the circle needed help so she decided to help him (giving up her role to Sub-Leader). At first, I admit it, I was seriously mad for a lot of reason: 1. I don't want to lose a sub-leader for a guy that I don't care 2. No one circle received help for grow, we still are growing and we need help more than him and his circle (disbanded XD) 3. if this happened before the 7 new members joined problably I would postpone auditions (is difficult manage 7 people in 2, but manage 14 people alone is worst). 4. why should I care about him? XD LOL XD well, although I was pissed for a week and more XD but then I forgive her, cuz we are all more focused about improving. Peachie Station is on hiatus cuz Rebecca's dog (my friend) bite the mic when we were talking and he ruined it .-. if you see 'Princi Talk Pre-Debut' video you can see that the mic do a weird and noisy sound so I wait until I'll re-buy a new one XD and in January we did a few meetings in Milan. We decided also to do at least one meet every month (January Milano, February Torino, March Bologna, April Milano etc.) so we did a few meet in Milan in January, this month is Turin's turn and the next... *_* Peach Love Anniversary.


We all wanna show the improvements we had since some months, we wanna show our skills, our meet, everything, after nanachie's presentation everyone will show their skills and improvement. We planned a lot of meets (also for our first anniversary) and we decide to make our t-shirt. Peach Love T-Shirt, (we said it at Peachie Station) and here the photos... we also created a manga (like I said in PS) and at the end of the month one of us will show the first 2 episodes (don't take it seriously XD is just a thing that I do when I'm bored, I'm not a designer or something like this, I just liked to draw when I was a child and seeing our adventures like in a manga I decided to do it XD. We planned the meets (also gyaru-loli meet) and other stuffs, I don't wanna say everything cuz I want that other members say something XD. Just show photos of the t-shirt.

Rika already bought it and tried it.

I'm proud of this t-shirt, it means a lot seriously... It feels like we're a real group, I always wanted that this circle is first of all a circle of friends, secondly a circle of gyaru, this shirt show this, our friendship... I wanna cry... ç_ç XD no no no XD I won't cry... by the way, let's pass to the last step.

Like always, I wanna explain these things:

1. Why don't we speak about other italian circle: a lot of foreigner people asked me this and I repeat it for the last time: you all guys, associate us with italian community (now 2 cuz another italian community born recently) but we don't wanna be involved with other circle, we don't say any names, any circle name, cuz we don't want to be associate with it. That's all I had to say about this. We don't enjoy to italian gyaru meet up, gyaru circles meet up and stuffs like this, we stay in our own way.

2. What about fired member: why don't give pubblicity to anyone so if a fired member join in another circle we never say the name of the circle, we always will say "another circle". Also their images are removed for the same reason.

3. What about G_S and stuffs like this: first of all, thanks to all the people who replied to support us, I would like to know who you are cuz when people say me about some comments I really don't know from who come from, thanks but is not necessary. If we wanted to reply we would do it. We know that every secret made about us (and about me) was made by italian gals (and sometimes not gals but friends of 'that gals') and italian circles. We know it but we don't care, so for who support us, don't care you too... One girl several weeks ago said in a comment that a "stalker" live for me, for what I do in my life and she's a friend with her anymore. Well, I understand about who you're talking and thanks for saying this (I understand that now I'm not the only one who think that 'that gal' is seriously insane and need help) but don't care about what she says, I did the only thing that I could, don't worry about it anymore. So, dear readers, from now on (is obvious for everyone but someone should say it) if you will read an italian secret BE SURE come from an italian gal (so bitchies, from next time write it in italian, we already know who you are) that pissed did this for bashing the girl, gyaru isn't involved the majority of the time, is just bashing, bullshit, envy and stuffs like this.

4. I discovered from some french gals that some italian girls present herself as a Peach Members (and they aren't) and speak badly about the situacion in the community, about other circles and stuffs like this. Who knows us, and who know me (also the gals in barcelone that met me personally) know that I don't like to speak about it, and if I speak about it I don't do any names. NEVER. We don't do any names, we always say: that girl, that circle, that group etc. never names. Is not for be correct with them (don't care about them) but for not giving pubblicity XD simply for this. So if a "Stephanie" or "Lisa" or "Julia" (as a nick or real name still dunno) present herself as a Peach Member if you can't contact me at least look at the blog, in the home page there are all the members (with the name, the nick and the photo). If you discover fake accounts please send us the link, we'll report this.

5. Our styles and our stuffs: well, a lot of us are working so hard for improve, no one of us never said that we're the best italian gals, or neither the best circle: so sentences like "they think that they are the best..." are wrong. STOP IT! We work everyday for improve our styles (after some months I found cosmetics for black girls that doesn't hurt *_* happy XD) and we aren't so self-centered and full of ourselves to think it, we act like this? ok, but it isn't, so stop it. Especially people that said that they hate us (people who follow us mostly) why don't you make more sex (or at least buy a dildo)? .-. Have a nice day.

6. About nanachies and the members of our circle: I listened that some people complained about the numbers of new members, well, it was our challenge, be doubled (like I said before). We don't care about the numbers of the member cuz I lost Eri cuz she has a few time and I spoke with her a lot before we together take the decision to graduate her, I lost Valentina and Jessica who are really friends and I request for a big activity, if they wouldn't they're out, if I wouldn't press them they would be still here, Martha (the first graduated member) is the same, Kelly (the second graduated member) wasn't interested in the circle and although she was (and is still) popular I sent her away. One of the fired member was popular among gyaru at the time that I sent her fucking ass away cuz she didn't want to meet any member of the circle (with a lot of excuses) and wanted to meet other circle .-. so I kicked her out. If a girl (famous or beautiful doesn't matter) don't join actively in the circle is out. We wanna create a really big ive circle but this doesn't mean that we accept everyone (not because I never speak about people who are rejected, I do it for respect, doesn't mean that no one was rejected), some girls that are in other circles (or in their own way) asked us to join and they were rejected (one for a reason, one for other reason etc.) so please (the last time XD): stop it.

I really wanted to say this cuz we wanna be clear with everyone, so: for foreigner people, don't associate us with other circles fights, gyaru secret (we don't reply but also we don't make secret about other people) and stuffs like this. For other italian circles / haters: don't follow us for throw shit, cuz we don't do the same, and is ridicolous, we all do the bad figure (doesn't matter if you write in forums or facebook, twitter etc. cuz there's always a girl who say everything to everyone).

FINISHED XD I know I wrote a lot, I already known it. SORRY XD, but I must to write everything for recuperate this 2 months XD SORRY SORRY SORRY XD From the next post we will be shorter XD is a promise XD ok, I'm finished. Thanks to everyone that supported us, we're proud to have such a loyal followers that always ask me about everything.

I seriously finished XD and from now on (no one can stop me to talk XD) you'll see a lot of photos. Is a promise. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

1 commento:

  1. the idea of the t-shirt or the idea of the "manga"? by the way thanks for comment :)
